速報APP / 程式庫與試用程式 / Qt Plugin Demo by Felgo

Qt Plugin Demo by Felgo





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:Kolonitzgasse 9/11-14 A - 1030 Wien

Qt Plugin Demo by Felgo(圖1)-速報App

Add leading 3rd party services to your Qt based apps & games in no time with Felgo!

This app demo showcases the usage of Felgo Plugins to add features like:

- Advertising / Monetization with AdMob or Chartboost

- In-App Purchases by Soomla

Qt Plugin Demo by Felgo(圖2)-速報App

- Facebook Integration

- Analytics with Google Analytics or Flurry

- Targeted Push Notifications by OneSignal

- Local Push Notifications

Qt Plugin Demo by Felgo(圖3)-速報App

- Beta Testing & Crash Reporting with HockeyApp

Why use Felgo Plugins for your Apps and Games?

There is no need to re-invent the wheel when integrating third party services and platform-specific functionality to your Qt 5 apps & games. Felgo Plugins save you weeks in comparison with in-house development, both during implementation and later on for maintaining and updating third-party libraries.

Felgo Plugins use native, platform-specific functionality, meaning that your app seamlessly integrates with existing platform experiences. They incorporate platform-specific human interface guidelines and follow best-practices down to the detail.

Qt Plugin Demo by Felgo(圖4)-速報App

Get started with Felgo now!


For more information about Felgo Plugins see https://felgo.com/plugins.

The full source code of this demo is available on GitHub!

Qt Plugin Demo by Felgo(圖5)-速報App

See https://felgo.com/plugin-demo/ to get the source code and learn how to integrate the plugins on your own.

Qt Plugin Demo by Felgo(圖6)-速報App